About & Contact

Muay Thai is world renowned as one of, if not the best striking arts. The history, culture and tradition of Muay Thai makes it fascinating to me and is why I love the sport. Scotland's Muay Thai scene has gone from strength to strength over the years but there is scant media coverage for the sport and the fighters.

Muay Thai shows in Scotland almost always sell out and there is no shortage of talented and tough fighters. I think that the fighters and promoters who make the sport what it is in this country need more promotion and media coverage. This blog is my attempt to give back to a community and sport which has given me so much.

I have been training Muay Thai for around 5 years to date and have fought a few times. While I am far from a professional, I have learned a lot from the sport and my technical knowledge of not only Muay Thai but all striking arts has given me a new insight into the skill of all fighters, across all disciplines.

It may not need to be stated, but this site is a blog. This means I'm doing this for free and it is my own views and opinions. If you don't agree with me then comment on the articles, that's what the function is there for after all. I also write for Middle Easy about MMA. To contact me about either Muay Thai or MMA send me an e-mail:
